
Get Your Voter List

Don't leave your election results to chance - Build a customized voter audience tailored to your campaign's unique needs!

Get a Custom Voter List

Do you have voter list requirements such as:

  • Identify prime voters, or the voters in your district most likely to vote for you on election day.

  • Targeting voters who attended your election kick-off rally four months ago.

  • Engaging with voters who attended a social justice march last year.

  • Identifying voters in a newly drawn state assembly district, over the age of 55, who have voted for the same political party over the last three elections.

  • Identifying young voters, currently attending college, who read news online.

  • Registered voters in a specific congressional district.

  • Prime voters in an individual state, like North Carolina.

  • Newly registered voters in Texas.

  • Female parents who are Democratic voters.

  • Republican voters who had voted in the last three primaries.

Get a Custom Voter List

Voter Profile Categories

Our proprietary platform has access to 198M+ anonymous voter profiles that can be categorised by:

  • Party affiliation

  • Voting history

  • Marital status

  • Occupation

  • Family status

  • Education level

  • Neighbourhood

  • Income level

voter profile categories

Outreach Data




Landline phones


Email Addresses


Postal Addresses


Digital Reach


CTV Devices

Reach More Voters With Custom Requirements.